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bridewell 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bridewells, plural;
  1. A prison for petty offenders such as a reform school

  1. Bridewell Palace, London, was originally a residence of Henry VIII, and later became a poorhouse and prison. Its name has come to be synonymous with police stations and detention facilities in England and Ireland.
  2. (The Bridewells) The Bridewell Taxis (later The Bridewells) were a Leeds-based British rock group formed in 1988.
  3. A small prison, or a police station that has cells
  4. contraction of St. Bridget's Well in London, site of a prison until 1869. Bridewell came to mean any house of correction.
  5. was a type of prison that emerged in England in the sixteenth century. The first Bridewell was the adapted Bridewell palace, hence the name. These prisons were used as places for short periods of detention, often for petty offenders, and were also known as houses of correction.