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bricked 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bricked, past participle; bricked, past tense; bricks, 3rd person singular present; bricking, present participle;
  1. Block or enclose with a wall of bricks
    • - the doors have been bricked up

  1. When used in reference to consumer electronics, "brick" describes a device that cannot function in any capacity (such as a device with damaged firmware). ...
  2. (Bricking) To render an iPhone or iPod touch inoperable. The 1.1.1 firmware update turned many iPhones into iBricks. Users could not reactivate their iPhone to get past their "Please connect to iTunes" screens. ...
  3. (Bricking) A tasting term. It refers to a tawny, brick red colour, which implies age in a red wine.
  4. Said of a player who fails to hit a single mark in a round of cricket
  5. Any time you root your phone, you risk doing this. Basically, a bricked phone, or “brick” is one that’s stopped working for whatever reason- usually because someone loaded something onto it that they weren’t supposed to; something that completely borked the phone’s operation.
  6. Used in reference to hardware which, through some means, has become broken and unusable (i.e. as useful to play with as a brick).
  7. a term used to describe the condition of a phone, media player or other device that is permanently disabled. Usually describes booting problems due to a software flashing issue.
  8. A phone that is completely unusable due to a serious software problem.
  9. When the phone, iPhone included, is completely useless except as a paper weight or brick. This can happen when modifiying the phone using hardware or software methods. It was possible to brick the 1st generation iPhone easily if the jailbreak process was done incorrectly. ...