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brevet 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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brevets, plural;
  1. Confer a brevet rank on

  1. A former type of military commission conferred esp. for outstanding service by which an officer was promoted to a higher rank without the corresponding pay
    • - a brevet lieutenant

  1. a document entitling a commissioned officer to hold a higher rank temporarily (but without higher pay)
  2. promote somebody by brevet, in the military
  3. Brevet, or randonnée, is an organised long-distance bicycle ride in the sport of randonneuring. Cyclists - who, in this discipline, may be referred to as randonneurs - follow a designated but unmarked route (usually 200 km to 1400 km), passing through check-point controls, and must complete the ...
  4. (Say: bruh-vay) - A brevet is an official randonneuring ride of at least 200 kilometers usually completed to qualify for longer and major events, such as Paris-Brest-Paris and Boston-Montreal-Boston. ...
  5. Means "patent" or "certificate" in French.
  6. (pronounced brehv-it) An honorary promotion in rank, usually for merit. Officers did not usually function at or receive pay for their brevet rank.
  7. An appointment to a higher rank for command purposes without the corresponding increase in pay.
  8. The conferring of promotion in rank on an officer, usually for services, but with no right to extra pay.
  9. a promotion to a higher RANK, especially of a commissioned officer, without an increase in pay-grade RATING; before the creation of medals for distinguished service or valor, the BREVET promotion was used to recognize and reward such achievements (cf: origin of SILVER STAR as BATTLE STAR on ...
  10. local military rank; a document conferring nominal rank on an officer rather than a formal commission.
  11. it is a private document in which a notary attests to the authenticity of the signature or signatures, a fact or a date of contract. Brevets may be used to certify a copy of a document or certify the identity of any object or thing, or to certify a translation of a document.
  12. short for French Diplôme National de Brevet; the Brevet is an externally marked national exam taken at age 16, and is the same test whether taken in France or anywhere else in the world. ...
  13. To appoint a soldier to a higher rank, often done in the field of combat to replace an injured or dead officer.
  14. From the French word Brevette, meaning patented.
  15. Literally, the word means certificate, patent, or diploma in French. In Randonneuring, it means two things certification of having successfully done a randonné, and the long-distance bicycle event itself of at least 200 kilometers. ...
  16. honorary higher commission without pay inc.readers disgust
  17. a race or other event which qualifies the rider to enter another.