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brethren 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
Noun (plural)
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brethren, plural;
  1. Fellow Christians or members of a male religious order

  2. Used for humorous or rhetorical effect to refer to people belonging to a particular group
    • - our brethren in the popular press

  1. (plural) the lay members of a male religious order
  2. Brethren are one of the longest serving hip hop crews in Australia, celebrating 20 years in 2009. The group comprises Matthew Peet aka “Mistery” and Claude Rodriguez aka Wizdm.
  3. Brethren is a novel written by Robyn Young set in the ninth and last crusade. It was published by Hodder and Stoughton in 2006. It took her seven years to write the novel where she was "intrigued by the idea of these medieval warrior monks".
  4. The Brethren is one of several informal names for a nameless religious movement created by Jimmie T. "Jim" Roberts. Other names include the Brothers and Sisters and the garbage eaters, after their reputation for eating food from garbage bins. ...
  5. The Brethren is a 1979 book by Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong, which gives a nonfiction look behind the scenes of the United States Supreme Court during Warren Burger's early years as Chief Justice of the United States. ...
  6. The Brethren is a legal thriller novel by American author John Grisham, published in 2000.
  7. the body of members, especially of a fraternal, religious or military order
  8. people closely united or associated
  9. A plural term for brothers, either as siblings or Christian brothers. "Who is My mother and who are My brothers? And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, Here are My mother and My brothers!" (Matt. 12:48-49).
  10. (1) All male members of the Church; (2) "The Brethren," a designation of the General Authorities of the Church.
  11. (n.): in this case, members of a particular church or sect
  12. Not to be confused with The Brethren Church. Brethren usually go about in two's and look like tramps. They have renounced all worldly possessions so they eat and clothe themselves out of rubbish bins. Their way of spreading their beliefs is one to one discipling. ...
  14. Mutual victims of a cult who are esteemed of more value than blood relatives and for whom each would die for the other if need be, the same ones whom, at the Insinuendo of the Pastard, will consider you a Dissident to be avoided; while at the same time they are working with and going out to eat ...