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breech 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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breeches, plural;
  1. Put (a boy) into breeches after being in petticoats since birth

  1. The part of a cannon behind the bore

  2. The back part of a rifle or gun barrel

  3. A person's buttocks

  1. opening in the rear of the barrel of a gun where bullets can be loaded
  2. A breech-loading weapon is a firearm (a rifle, a gun etc.) in which the bullet or shell is inserted or loaded at the rear of the barrel, or the opposite of muzzle-loading.
  3. A garment whose purpose is to cover or clothe the buttocks. [from 11th c.]; The buttocks or backside. [from 16th c.]; The part of a cannon or other firearm behind the chamber. [from 16th c. ...
  4. The rear of the gun.  In most 20th century guns, where the shell goes in, hence the name "Breech Loader."
  5. To deliver offspring hips first
  6. Fetal presentation position, buttocks-first. Doctors are generally willing to consider vaginal delivery if Baby B is breech, as long as the presenting twin is vertex.
  7. The outside angle of a knee-timber. The after end of a gun.
  8. Where a shell or cartridge enters or exits the chamber.
  9. presentation is more common when a baby is smaller than average, the uterus is an abnormal shape, there is more than one baby, or the woman has already has children and her uterus is relaxed.
  10. The end of the barrel nearest the stock.
  11. "The rear opening to a barrel, where a paintball enters. The breech is usually sealed by a bolt that pushes the ball into the barrel and seals the breech."
  12. baby that is positioned with its head-up instead of head-down.  Frank breech is butt-first, footling breech is feet first.
  13. That portion of a gun which contains the action, the trigger or firing mechanism, the magazine, and the chamber portion of the barrel(s). An imprecise term generally including all the essential working parts of a gun.
  14. The end of a barrel into which a cartridge is inserted.
  15. The position of the baby in the uterus, where it’s feet or buttocks appear first
  16. The rear part of a firearm of cannon, at the rear of the bore.
  17. the term for when a baby enters the birth canal with the buttocks or feet first; can contribute to plagiocephaly in infants
  18. The buttocks or hind end of the body.
  19. Where the BB sits immediately before being fired.
  20. The buttocks.  A breech presentation at birth is where the rear portion of the fetus is presented first.
  21. The end of the gun barrel closest to the shooter at which powder ignition occurs.
  22. Baby is in a bottom-down position
  23. when the baby is positioned to come out of the vagina any way but head first.