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breccias 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (breccia) a rudaceous rock consisting of sharp fragments embedded in clay or sand
  2. Breccia (breach) is a rock composed of broken fragments of minerals or rock cemented together by a fine-grained matrix, that may be similar to or different from the composition of the fragments.
  3. (Breccia) A sedimentary rock containing angular rock fragments which are greater than 2mm across.
  4. (Breccia) a sedimentary rock made up of large, angular grains which have been cemented together.
  5. (breccia) A rock consisting of angular fragments in a finer grained matrix which may or may not be similar to the larger fragments; it may be formed from any rock type by fracturing (in a fault), explosion (volcanic), intrusion (intrusion breccia) or sedimentation (scree slope).
  6. (Breccia) A rock made from mineral fragments cemented together by the heat of meteoroid impact.
  7. (Breccia) A clastic rock composed of a matrix and angular clasts.
  8. (BRECCIA) A species of Marble composed of a mass of small pebbles, closely cemented together in such a manner that, when broken, they form brèches, or notches; whence its name.
  9. (Breccia (volcanic breccia)) Conglomerate-like rock made up of angular pieces of volcanic rock usually bound in volcanic ash.
  10. (Breccia) A name applied to both granite and conglomerate stone because of the coarse and angular particles present.
  11. (Breccia) Boulders, glacial rock debris, usually deposited on mountain summits
  12. (Breccia) Consolidated gravel composed of broken, angular particles.
  13. (Breccia) Marble or limestone in which angular fragments are imbedded in a matrix of the same of another composition.
  14. (Breccia) Rock made from pieces of rocks formed earlier.
  15. (breccia) A rock fragmented into angular components.
  16. (breccia) The accumulated materials from cave deposits that harden into a conglomerate rock, including sediments, rocks, and animal bones.