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breastwork 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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breastworks, plural;
  1. A low temporary defense or parapet

  1. parapet: fortification consisting of a low wall
  2. A breastwork is a fortification. The term is usually applied to temporary fortifications, often an earthwork thrown up to breast height to provide protection to defenders firing over it from a standing position. ...
  3. (Breastworks) a barricade usually about breast high that shielded defenders from enemy fire.
  4. (Breastworks) Chest-high fortifications made of dirt and wood.
  5. Heavy parapet slung between two gate towers; defense work over the portcullis.
  6. A low defensive mound or wall, usually of earth.
  7. vertically-faced or steeply inclined structure usually built with timber and parallel to the shoreline, at or near the beach crest, to resist erosion or mitigate against flooding
  8. A bank created for fortification, usually forward of a trench, against which a defender lay or kneeled to fire.
  9. A fieldwork thrown up breast-high for defence; a parapet.
  10. the vertical timber-work built on top of the earth rampart of a fort to provide screening for the sentry
  11. F: a sort of balustrade or fence, composed of rails or mouldings, and frequently decorated with sculpture. It is used to terminate the quarterdeck and poop at the foreends, and to inclose the forecastle both before and behind.
  12. any temporary fortification, such as walls or mounds of dirt, that is approximately breast high
  13. protective parapet or barricade.