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breasts 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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breasts, plural;
  1. Face and move forward against or through (something)
    • - I watched him breast the wave
  2. Reach the top of (a hill)

  1. Either of the two soft, protruding organs on the upper front of a woman's body that secrete milk after pregnancy

  2. The corresponding less-developed part of a man's body

  3. A person's chest
    • - her heart was hammering in her breast
  4. The corresponding part of a bird or mammal
    • - the breast feathers of the doves
  5. A portion of poultry cut from such a part
    • - a grilled chicken breast
  6. The part of a garment that covers the chest
    • - a breast pocket
  7. A person's chest regarded as the seat of the emotions
    • - wild feelings of frustration were rising up in his breast

  1. (breast) the front of the trunk from the neck to the abdomen; "he beat his breast in anger"
  2. meet at breast level; "The runner breasted the tape"
  3. (breast) either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman
  4. (breast) summit: reach the summit (of a mountain); "They breasted the mountain"; "Many mountaineers go up Mt. Everest but not all summit"
  5. (breast) meat carved from the breast of a fowl
  6. (breast) the part of an animal's body that corresponds to a person's chest
  7. (Breast (poultry)) Poultry is a category of domesticated birds kept by humans for the purpose of collecting their eggs, or killing for their meat and/or feathers. ...
  8. (The Breast) The Breast (1972) is a novella by Philip Roth, in which the main character, David Kepesh, becomes a 155-pound breast. Throughout the book Kepesh fights with himself. Part of him wishes to give in to bodily desires, while the other part of him wants to be rational. ...
  9. (breast) Either of the two fleshy organs on the front of a woman's chest, which contain the mammary glands; also the analogous organs in men; The chest, or front of the human thorax; A section of clothing covering the breast area; The figurative seat of the emotions, feelings etc. ...
  10. (BREAST) The region of a bird between the throat and the belly.
  11. (Breast) Crop region of the body; also includes the pectoral muscles.
  12. (BREAST) A Mason's breast should be a safe and sacred repository for all your just and lawful secrets. ...
  13. (BREAST) To dream of a beautiful breast signifies there is happiness waiting for you. A woman's breast indicates that your wishes will be satisfied. Dreaming of a breast with hair growing from it denotes success and happiness in affairs of the heart. ...
  14. (Breast) (1) The part of a wall that extends from the window stool to the floor level. (2) A projecting part of a wall, such as at a chimney.
  15. (Breast) A can end having a raised center portion terminating in an opening designed to be capped, spouted etc.
  16. (Breast) Area surrounding the tap hole of a melting furnace.
  17. (Breast) Broad as possible, full and pressed well forward.
  18. (Breast) Female sexuality and maternal love. You will have true and loyal friendship and success in love.
  19. (Breast) Lactation ? Thelarche
  20. (Breast) Line - A line that leads to a right angle to the center line of the ship, and controls the distance from the pier.
  21. (Breast) Mooring line leading approximately perpendicular to ship's fore and aft line.
  22. (Breast) Refers to region of the front where feathers cover breastbone and muscle. Also known as chest or pectoral region.
  23. (Breast) The end wall at the head of a lock, which supports the sill.
  24. (Breast) The fleshy white meat between the neck and abdomen of poultry.
  25. (Breast) The highly sensitive body part encasing the mammary gland, which produces the milk that all infant mammals require for survival. Before childbirth, the breast is sensitive to stroking and connected to sexual arousal. After childbirth, the breast is a combination sippy cup and stress ball.