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bream 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bream, plural;
  1. Clear (a ship or its bottom) of weeds, shells, or other accumulated matter by burning and scraping it

  1. A greenish-bronze deep-bodied freshwater fish native to Europe, popular with anglers

  2. Used in names of other fishes resembling or related to this, e.g., sea bream

  1. clean (a ship's bottom) with heat
  2. flesh of various freshwater fishes of North America or of Europe
  3. flesh of any of various saltwater fishes of the family Sparidae or the family Bramidae
  4. sea bream: any of numerous marine percoid fishes especially (but not exclusively) of the family Sparidae
  5. Bream is a general term for a number of species of freshwater and marine fish belonging to a variety of genera including: Abramis (e.g. A. ...
  6. A European fresh-water cyprinoid fish of the genus Abramis, little valued as food. Several species are known; A species in that genus, Abramis brama; An American fresh-water fish, of various species of Pomotis and allied genera, which are also called sunfishes and pondfishes
  7. a European fresh-water fish related to the carp; any of various salt-water fishes, as the sea bream.
  8. Members of a large family of fish species, mostly fresh water and collectively referred to a Sunfish or Perch.  Examples include Bluegill, the Redbelly, and Flier.
  9. one or more of a species of panfish; a commonly used term for bluegill and other panfish
  10. Any sunfish including bluegill, shell-cracker, redbreast, redear and green sunfish.
  11. species of freshwater fish see Bream
  12. Term used for Bluegill / Sunfish.