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breaching 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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breached, past tense; breached, past participle; breaches, 3rd person singular present; breaching, present participle;
  1. Make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defense)
    • - the river breached its bank
  2. Break or fail to observe (a law, agreement, or code of conduct)

  3. (of a whale) Rise and break through the surface of the water

  1. (breached) forcing a way through
  2. (Breached) When a law, right or duty is broken.
  3. A behavior of cetaceans that jumps or leaps out of the water and reenters on its side or back with a big splash.
  4. Failure of the BEACH HEAD or a DIKE allowing flooding by tidal action.
  5. Act of leaping completely out of the water (or almost completely) and landing back with a splash.
  6. A whale behavior in which the whale leaps clear of the water
  7. is an activity in which the whale  jumps fully or partially out of the water and then slaps the water loudly when coming back down.  Sometimes they twirl around while breaching. ...
  8. A spectacular behaviour exhibited by whales in which the animal propels itself out of the water and clears the surface with at least two-thirds of its body.