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brawler 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. a fighter (especially one who participates in brawls)
  2. Beat 'em up (also known as brawler) is a video game genre featuring melee combat between the protagonist and large numbers of antagonists. ...
  3. One who brawls, engages in noisy, unseemly fights
  4. A brawler is a slugger. It's a boxer who lacks finesse in the ring, moves slower, lacks mobility, has a predictable punching pattern, but makes up for all that with raw power and the ability to knockout their opponents with a single punch.
  5. a wrestler who focuses primarily on punching, kicking and big slams as opposed to more technical or submission moves. Ex. Triple H is a great brawler.
  6. A worker who ordinarily works a brawling style.
  7. An aggressive fighter who likes to fight on the inside.
  8. A fighter in it's purest sense, the brawler loves to fight. Most brawlers will simply beat their opponents into submission using a variety of strikes. ...
  9. a type of weapon loadout for any mech that includes mostly close range weapons like LBX20,AC20,SSRM6,MPL,MBL, or a player who specializes in close range battles.