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bravura 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Great technical skill and brilliance shown in a performance or activity,
  1. Great technical skill and brilliance shown in a performance or activity
    • - the recital ended with a blazing display of bravura
    • - a bravura performance
  2. The display of great daring
    • - the show of bravura hid a guilty timidity

  1. brilliant and showy technical skill; "in a final bravura the ballerina appeared to be floating in water"; "the music ends with a display of bravura"
  2. In classical music, a bravura is a virtuosic passage intended to show off the skill of a performer, generally as a solo, and often in a cadenza. It can also be used as an adjective ("a bravura passage", "her bravura piece"), or to refer to a performance of extraordinary virtuosity. ...
  3. a highly technical or difficult piece, usually written for effect; a display of daring; overly showy; ostentatious
  4. Play brilliantly with boldness and spirit. The term bravura is sometimes used in passages where virtuosic skill is required of the performer.
  5. boldness; as in con bravura, boldly
  6. A bravura passage calls for a brilliant and extrovert display of vocal or instrumental technique
  7. Boasts and bragging, especially for the Capitano.
  8. From the Italian word meaning brave. Bravura refers to dance or music that is particularly virtuosic or showy, where the performer demonstrates brilliance in performance.
  9. Bravura is a brilliant virtuoso style.
  10. a term used to describe bright and excited brushwork.
  11. With spirit and boldness
  12. is both a style of music and a style of execution of music. Bravura means to perform with great technical brilliance and power. Bravura literally means bravery.