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bravo 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Used to express approval when a performer or other person has done something well,
  1. Used to express approval when a performer or other person has done something well
    • - people kept on clapping and shouting “bravo!”
  1. A thug or hired assassin

  1. applaud with shouts of `bravo' or `brava'
  2. assassin: a murderer (especially one who kills a prominent political figure) who kills by a surprise attack and often is hired to do the deed; "his assassins were hunted down like animals"; "assassinators of kings and emperors"
  3. a cry of approval as from an audience at the end of great performance
  4. Bravo! is a Canadian English language cable television specialty channel owned by CTVglobemedia. It concentrates on the arts, including; music, ballet, literature, drama, visual arts, modern dance, opera and architecture. It originally used the tagline "NewStyleArtsChannel".
  5. Bravi (sing. bravo; sometimes translated as ‘bravoes’) were a species of coarse soldiery employed by the rural lordlings (or dons) of northern Italy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to protect their interests. ...
  6. Bravo (Russian: Бра́во) is a rock band founded in 1983 in Moscow, Russia by guitarist Evgueny Havtan.
  7. Bravo is an album by the hard rock band Dr. Sin. It was released in July 2007 by Century Media in Brazil.
  8. Bravo is the largest teen magazine within the German-language sphere. The first issue was published in 1956, subtitled as "the magazine for film and television" („Die Zeitschrift für Film und Fernsehen“). ...
  9. Bravo is a Romanian Teen magazine, the Romanian version of the German original format. It is published twice a month, on Wednesdays.
  10. Bravo was the first WYSIWYG document preparation program. It provided multi-font capability using the bitmap displays on the Xerox Alto personal computer. It was produced at Xerox PARC by Butler Lampson, Charles Simonyi and colleagues in 1974.
  11. Bravo was a Spanish musical group of the '80s. The band was formed in 1982, with a similar line-up to ABBA (two men, two women). The band rose to fame in Spain when they were chosen to represent their country in the Eurovision Song Contest 1984. ...
  12. Bravo is a British television channel, owned by Living TV Group, a subsidiary British Sky Broadcasting. Its target audience is currently men in their late twenties to early forties and shows a variety of both archive programming (such as Knight Rider & MacGyver) and original productions.
  13. Bravo is an American cable television channel owned by NBC Universal. It is currently seen in more than 80 million homes and was launched by Cablevision as an advertisement-free channel in December 1980. Retrieved September 1, 2008."A Tale of Two Networks. ...
  14. The letter B in the ICAO spelling alphabet
  15. A hired thug; an assassin; A shout of "bravo!"; Used to express appreciation, especially to a performer
  16. A low-end 3-inch Motorola device on AT&T.
  17. "Well done" in Italian. Audiences say this to a male artist to express their appreciation.
  18. Bravo is the Italian word for expressing appreciation to a male performer.
  19. The second letter in the USMC phonetic alphabet -- also the second-in-command of a CAP unit, i.e., "Tell your bravo to take a six-man patrol to the blue line."
  20. a form of appreciation shouted by audience members at the end of a particularly pleasing performance. Technically, Bravo refers to a male performer, Brava refers to a female performer and Bravi refers to many performers.
  21. Second letter of the phonetic (sound) alphabet. Used when voicing the letter "B" to avoid confusion.
  22. When the player clears the whole playfield without leaving any blocks behind. Also known as a All Clear or Perfect Clear.
  23. Literally, 'How bold!' or 'What nerve!' This is a spontaneous expression of appreciation on the part of the concert goer after a particularly trying performance.
  24. Army designation for an infantry man
  25. Military phonetic for the letter 'B'.