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brainchild 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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brainchildren, plural;
  1. An idea or invention considered to be a particular person's creation
    • - the statue is the brainchild of a local landscape artist

  1. inspiration: a product of your creative thinking and work; "he had little respect for the inspirations of other artists"; "after years of work his brainchild was a tangible reality"
  2. Brainchild is the debut album by Society of Soul.
  3. Brainchild was a Youngstown, Ohio based supergroup formed in 1969. Original members consisted of vocalist Joe Pizzulo, guitarist Larry Paxton, bassist Bill Bodine, drummer John Grazier, and keyboardists Ronny Lee and Danny Marshall. ...
  4. Brainchild is the 1994 second album by Industrial Metal band Circle Of Dust. Originally, the album was released as Brainchild - Mindwarp. But R.E.X. Records demanded Klay Scott make a second Circle of Dust album. But there wasn't enough money to make another album, so R.E.X. ...
  5. Brainchild is a fictional character in the Marvel Universe.
  6. A creation, original idea, or innovation, usually used to indicate the originators