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bragging 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bragged, past participle; bragged, past tense; brags, 3rd person singular present; bragging, present participle;
  1. Say in a boastful manner
    • - “I found them,” she bragged
    • - he brags that he wrote 300 pages in 10 days
    • - they were bragging about how easy it had been

  1. brag: an instance of boastful talk; "his brag is worse than his fight"; "whenever he won we were exposed to his gasconade"
  2. boastful: exhibiting self-importance; "big talk"
  3. (brag) boast: show off
  4. (brag) boss: exceptionally good; "a boss hand at carpentry"; "his brag cornfield"
  5. Boasting is the act of making an ostentatious speech. It is considered a vice by such major religious groups as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Boasting has also been studied by such evolutionary psychologists as Robert Wright.
  6. (Brag (folklore)) A brag is a creature from the folklore of Northumberland and Durham that usually took the form of a horse or donkey. ...
  7. (brag) The card game three card brag; to boast; First-rate
  8. (BRAG) brigade artillery group
  9. (BRAG) a storytelling pastime used to recount battle action as a test of knowledge or gullibility since before the American CIVIL WAR; also known as "Hazard" or "Bluff", this exercise in deception and misdirection contributed to the development of both POKER and LIAR'S DICE. See WAR GAMES.
  10. (Brag) Trigo's brother. While some consider him slow and perhaps a bit stupid, Brag is well-meaning and ever faithful to his brother. ...
  11. (BRAGS) Bioelectric Repair and Growth Society
  12. in the context of social networking sites or personal blogs, announcing that one has committed some illegal or generally objectionable act, or has a propensity to engage in that act, or refuses to accept some responsibility normally socially expected, in order to poke fun at or rebel against ...
  13. Bragging is a kind of lie in which a person tells something about himself or anything, which is not true, in an effort to build up a reputation, such as saying "I own a billion dollar car and house," in which they actually don't.