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brads, plural;
  1. A small wire nail with a small, often asymmetrical head

  1. a small nail
  2. fasten with brads
  3. Brad is an American rock band that formed in Seattle, Washington in 1992. Brad's sound is influenced by the wide variety of influences brought by its members, including Stone Gossard of Pearl Jam, Regan Hagar (Satchel and formerly a member of Malfunkshun), Shawn Smith (also a member of Pigeonhed ...
  4. BRAD (British Rates and Data) Is an online media planning service published by EMAP in the UK. It is used by media planners, buyers, PR professionals, printers, advertising professionals etc. Brad was established in 1954 as a printed directory - the last print copy was published in May 2009. ...
  5. A thin, small nail, with a slight projection at the top on one side instead of a head, or occasionally with a small domed head, similar to that of an escutcheon pin; A paper fastener, a fastening device formed of thin, soft metal, such as shim brass, with a round head and a flat, split shank, ...
  6. (Brads) Brass fasteners used to bind a screenplay printed on three-hole paper, with Acco #5 solid brass brads generally accepted as having the highest quality.
  7. (Brads) In the stationery world they are called split pins. You can add them to the centre of flowers or use them for points in journaling, they are very versatile embellishments.
  8. (Brads) Similar to typical offices split pins but are found in many different sizes, shapes and colours. Very commonly used for an embellishment.
  9. (Brads) The brass pins used to bind a standard three-hole-punched screenplay. Any other method of binding is verboten.
  10. British Rates and Data, a detailed monthly guide to UK advertising media. BRAD also publish a monthly guide to agencies and advertisers.
  11. A flat nail of the same thickness that tapers in width to a point.
  12. This book lists every UK publication including magazines, newspapers, vertical publications etc. It also contains key information i.e. “ABC figures”, advertising deadlines etc and is one of the most useful tools available if you are looking to place advertising or embark on DIY PR.
  13. A type of finishing nail or pin of light gauge. The head is small so that it may be punched below the surface neatly.
  14. A nail with a small rounded head, used for mounting plates on plaque boards, trophy bases, etc.
  15. A slender, smooth, wire nail with a small deep head. Used for finish carpentry work.
  16. Anticipating a shortage of able-bodied minions, following a recent wave of rioting by law students against the US News - Law School Complex, several leading...  Aug 26, 9:05 PM
  17. A small metal fastener, usually with a rounded head, and a two-pronged tail meant to be bent in opposite directions.
  18. industry directory which lists all UK media with advertising sizes, prices, technical requirements etc. Updated monthly.
  19. A small nail used in joining frames and securing the backboard into the frame.
  20. great information. Yet another post I am bookmarking to review during my "Saturday Study" sessions. I use some of google tools, but I haven't had the time to explore all of them (especially since I am already getting phenomenal results from the ones I'm using). Thanks so much for sharing.
  21. Similar to an eyelet, a brad comes in a variety of shapes and colors, but is secured to a scrapbook page via prongs that are pushed through the paper and then flattened.
  22. A split pin with a plain or decorative head used to hold layers together or for decorative purposes.
  23. Patrick's boyfriend, the closeted quarterback of the high school football team. Charlie meets him at a party, the only place where Brad feels comfortable being with Patrick. This article is about sexual orientation. ...
  24. is Joel and Phil's neighbor. He is also 5 years old. Brad appeared in the first episode, stealing Joel's car and giving him a box back. Ever since he has been a simple filler character. He apparently likes watching Rya sleep, as revealed in episode 76.