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bracted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. bracteate: having bracts
  2. (bract) a modified leaf or leaflike part just below and protecting an inflorescence
  3. (Bracts) In botany, a bract is a modified or specialized leaf, especially one associated with a reproductive structure such as a flower, inflorescence axis, or cone scale. ...
  4. (bract) A leaf or leaf-like structure from the axil of which a the stalk of a flower or an inflorescence arises
  5. (BRACT) a modified leaf that bears a flower.
  6. (Bract) a specialized leaf with a single flower or inflorescence growin in its axil.
  7. (Bract) A leaf unlike the ordinary leaves which is usually smaller or of a different shape, growing from the peduncle just below the flower.
  8. (bract) A modified leaf, usually small, but sometimes large and brightly colored, growing at the base of a flower or on its stalk. Clearly seen on dogwoods and poinsettias.
  9. (Bract) A modified leaf at the base of a flower stalk. It may be brightly coloured as in the case of Poinsettias.
  10. (Bract) A much-reduced leaf, often scale-like and usually associated with a flower or inflorescence
  11. (Bract) A modified leaf usually located at the base of a flower.  Bougainvilleas colorful bracts are often thought to be flowers.
  12. (bract) A modified leaf that is found in a flower cluster or base of a flower. Many bracts are smaller than the ordinary leaves on the plant but some are very showy surrounding a group of insignificant flowers. ...
  13. (Bract) a modfied leaf on a flowering stem usually just below the flower or along the inflorescence
  14. (BRACT) A leaf-like structure associated with flowers and fruits.   [To return to previous page, click your browser's BACK button then scroll through the page to your last location]
  15. (BRACT) A modified leaf, often highly colored and sometimes mistaken for a petal. Examples of house plants with showy bracts are Poinsettia, Aphelandra and Bougainvillea.
  16. (BRACT) a modified leaf or leaves, often very colorful, that grows around flowers or stems in bromeliads.
  17. (BRACT) the diminutive or leaf-like structures on the scape below each flower.
  18. (Bract) A general term for any structure that represents a modified leaf; most commonly used to refer to reduced, leaflike structures associated with inflorescences. In grasses the glumes, lemmas, and paleas are considered bracts.
  19. (Bract) A leaf associated with the flowers or inflorescence of a plant. Bracts may be similar to the other leaves on the plant or may be modified in appearance.
  20. (Bract) A leaf-like structure that lacks a blade, and which is often much less developed than a leaf, being mostly small and supporting a flower, or encircling (sheathing) a stem.
  21. (Bract) A plant part. Modified leaves, either green or colored, associated with a flower and often mistaken for petals. A prime North Country example is the white "petals" of the Bunchberry (Cornus canadensis).
  22. (Bract) A reduced leaf or scale, typically one which subtends a pedicel or inflorescence, but it also can refer to minute leaves on a stem.
  23. (Bract) A series of structures immediately below the flower head which may look like a leaf, petal, or spine.
  24. (Bract) A specialized leaf that frames a plant’s true flower. Bracts may be very leaf like, as in poinsettia, or they may resemble blossoms, as in bromeliads. Bracts are usually more long-lived than a plant’s flowers, which are typically fleshy and fragile.
  25. (Bract) Specialized leaves that are brightly colored, often mistaken for petals