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brachycephalic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Having a relatively broad, short skull (usually with the breadth at least 80 percent of the length),
  1. Having a relatively broad, short skull (usually with the breadth at least 80 percent of the length)

  1. having a short broad head with a cephalic index of over 80
  2. (brachycephaly) the quality of being brachycephalic
  3. Brachycephaly, also known as flat-head syndrome, is a type of cephalic disorder. This occurs when the coronal suture fuses prematurely, causing a shortened front-to-back diameter of the skull. ...
  4. A brachycephalic person; Having a head that is short from front to back (relative to its width from left to right)
  5. (brachycephaly) disproportionate shortness of the head.
  6. Short-headed. Referring to breeds of dog such as boxers, with forshortened snouts.
  7. round-headed; having a cephalic index of 80 or more.
  8. (brak-ee-suh-fal-ik) - Ratio of the width of the head to the length. Some airlines place restrictions on the transport of short nosed dogs and cats.
  9. A dog with a broad head and a short muzzle – Pugs are a good example.
  10. or shortened muzzled, sometimes so short that it can lead to breathing problems, such as in the Pug.