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brachial 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or relating to the arm, specifically the upper arm, or an armlike structure,
  1. Of or relating to the arm, specifically the upper arm, or an armlike structure
    • - the brachial artery
  2. Like an arm

  3. Denoting the upper valve of a brachiopod's shell

  1. of or relating to an arm; "brachial artery"
  2. (brachium) (biology) a branching or armlike part of an animal
  3. Brachial means "pertaining to the arm"
  4. (brachium) The upper arm
  5. (brachium) Latin = arm, adjective - brachial.
  6. (brachium) anatomical structure comprising a collection of axons that resemble an arm
  7. Pertaining to or located on the upper or the humeral part of the forelimb.
  8. from the Latin word brachium meaning arm.To brachiate is to travel by swinging by the arms from tree to tree in the style of Tarzan and some other primates.