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bozos 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bozos, plural;
  1. A stupid, rude, or insignificant person, esp. a man

  1. (bozo) fathead: a man who is a stupid incompetent fool
  2. (bozo) guy: an informal term for a youth or man; "a nice guy"; "the guy's only doing it for some doll"
  3. (Bozo (mascot)) The New Hampshire Wildcats, or 'Cats, are the athletic teams of the University of New Hampshire. The wildcat is the school's official mascot, the colors are UNH Blue and white. There are 21 varsity sports at the University, 25 sport clubs and 23 different Intramural sports.
  4. (Bozo (people)) The Bozo are a West African ethnic group located predominantly along the Niger River in Mali. ...
  5. (bozo) A stupid or foolish person
  6. (Bozo) (1945-1955) by F. X. Reardon
  7. (Bozo) a pigment which consists of splotches and swirls of color. (Language Reference)