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boysenberry 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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boysenberries, plural;
  1. A large red edible blackberrylike fruit

  2. The shrubby plant that bears this fruit, which is a hybrid of several kinds of bramble

  1. cultivated hybrid bramble of California having large dark wine-red fruit with a flavor resembling raspberries
  2. large raspberry-flavored fruit; cross between blackberries and raspberries
  3. A boysenberry is a cross between a European Raspberry (Rubus idaeus), a Common Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), and a Loganberry (Rubus × loganobaccus). It is a large compound fruit, with large seeds and a deep maroon color.
  4. (Boysenberries) Around 1935, Walter Knott of Knotts Berry Farm in Buena Park and Anaheim Parks Superintendent Rudolph Boysen experimented with a new strain of berry, but the plants kept dying on the vine. ...
  5. Berry that can have potent antioxidant properties (Source: Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, June 5, 2002, pages 3495–3500).