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boycotting 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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boycotted, past tense; boycotts, 3rd person singular present; boycotting, present participle; boycotted, past participle;
  1. Withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest

  2. Refuse to buy or handle (goods) as a punishment or protest

  3. Refuse to cooperate with or participate in (a policy or event)

  1. (boycott) refuse to sponsor; refuse to do business with
  2. (boycott) a group's refusal to have commercial dealings with some organization in protest against its policies
  3. A boycott is a form of consumer activism involving the act of voluntarily abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization, or country as an expression of protest, usually for political reasons.
  4. (Boycott (film)) Boycott (orig. Baykot) is a 1985 film by Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf, set in pre-revolutionary Iran. The movie tells the story of a young man named Valeh (Majid Majidi) who is sentenced to death for his communist tendencies. ...
  5. (Boycott) Another practice defined as "unfair" under most states’ codes. Such a practice which occurs when someone in the insurance business refuses to do business with someone else until that person complies with certain conditions or concessions.
  6. (Boycott) Social, economic, or political noncooperation.
  7. (boycott) v. to refuse to take part in or deal with
  8. (Boycott) Refusal to deal with a person, firm or country.
  9. (Boycott) A concerted refusal to work for, purchase from, or handle the products of an employer. Where the action is directed against the employer directly involved in the labor dispute, it is termed a primary boycott. ...
  10. (boycott) REFUSE BUY, WHY? PROTEST.
  11. (BOYCOTT) A campaign of withdrawal of support from a company, government or institution that is committing an injustice, such as racial discrimination. As Dr. ...
  12. (Boycott) A deliberate decision not to do business with somebody.
  13. (Boycott) A form of protest in which a group refuses to buy goods or services in order to force a company to change things they disagree with.
  14. (Boycott) A lawful concerted attempt by a group of people to express displeasure with, or obtain concessions from, a particular person or company by refusing to do business with them. An unlawful attempt that is prohibited by the SHERMAN ANTI-TRUST ACT (15 U.S.C.A. § 1 et seq. ...
  15. (Boycott) A refusal to deal with an employer, involving refusals to purchase products, refusals to work or both.
  16. (Boycott) A refusal to do business with a given party until certain demands are met.
  17. (Boycott) A tactic used by workers and consumers to pressure corporations through a mass refusal to purchase their products or otherwise patronize the business.
  18. (Boycott) A way of putting our money where our values are, a protest withdrawing business from merchants who have withdrawn from the moral economy of the culture.  “We boycott,” said Martin Luther King, “not to put people out of business, but to put justice into business.”
  19. (Boycott) Absolute restriction against the purchase and importation of certain goods from other countries.
  20. (Boycott) Non-Jewish citizens were forbidden to buy from the Jews as a means of protest by the Nazis.
  21. (Boycott) Refuse to buy or use products/services of an employer. Boycotts are used to settle disagreements or to protest an employer’s actions.
  22. (Boycott) The origin of this word is actually someone's name, Charles Cunningham Boycott. He was the manager for Earl of Erne collecting for the Earl the money owed by the tenant farmers on the Earl's property. ...
  23. (Boycott) To protest by refusing to purchase from someone, or otherwise do business with them. In international trade, a boycott most often takes the form of refusal to import a country's goods. ...
  24. (Boycott) To refuse dealings with another entity as an expression of disapproval of actions or conditions.
  25. (Boycott) To refuse to buy something or to take part in something as a way of protesting.