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boxy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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boxier, comparative; boxiest, superlative;
  1. Squarish in shape
    • - a boxy jacket
    • - nondescript highrises, boxy and uniform
  2. (of a room or space) Cramped
    • - the children are too old to share this boxy bedroom
  3. (of recorded sound) Restricted in tone

  1. boxlike: resembling a box in rectangularity
  2. This is a list of phenomena specific to the Internet, such as popular themes and catchphrases, images, viral videos and more. Such fads and sensations grow rapidly on the Internet because its instant communication facilitates word of mouth. ...
  3. Box-like or box-shaped
  4. (boxily) In a boxy way
  5. Having resonances as if the music were enclosed in a box. Sometimes an emphasis around 250 to 500 Hz.
  6. A derogatory description of a car that has square angles instead of smooth curved lines.
  7. strictly speaking, resembling a box. More loosely, un-tailored or tapered; roomy. Big and simple.
  8. 1) Characterized by an "oh" vowel coloration, as when speaking with one's head inside a box. 2) Used to describe the upper-bass/lower-midrange sound of a loudspeaker with excessive cabinet-wall resonances.
  9. Listening term. Refers to the excess upper-bass/lower-midrange response of cabinet-wall resonances.
  10. adj. To grow restless or crazy. "We got ta move from this hidey-hole. Marag’s getting all boxy like."