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bowdlerization 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. written material that has been bowdlerized
  2. the act of deleting or modifying all passages considered to be indecent
  3. (bowdlerize) edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate; "bowdlerize a novel"
  4. (bowdlerizer) expurgator: a person who edits a text by removing obscene or offensive words or passages; "Thomas Bowdler was a famous expurgator"
  5. Expurgation is a form of censorship which involves purging anything deemed noxious or offensive, usually from an artistic work.
  6. The action or instance of bowdlerizing; the omission or removal of material considered vulgar or indecent
  7. (bowdlerize) To remove those parts of a text considered offensive, vulgar, or otherwise unseemly
  8. (Bowdlerize) To expurgate a book. After Thomas Bowdler, an English physician (1754-1825) who published editions of Shakespeare and others in which he removed "those words and expressions ... which cannot with propriety be read aloud in a family".
  9. (bowdlerize) (from Thomas Bowdler, who hacked up Shakespeare in the 18th century) to censor or edit in a heavy-handed manner. A bowdlerized folk song is all dressed up in its Sunday best, ready for presentation to the delicate sensibilities of the general public. ...
  10. (bowdlerize) I looked deep into her Rocky Mountains bowdlerize and professed my undying love.
  11. The practice of censorship by publication of expurgated texts. This practice got its name from English editor Thomas Bowdler (1854-1825) who published altered editions (especially of Shakespeare's works).