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bouillon 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A broth made by stewing meat, fish, or vegetables in water,
  1. A broth made by stewing meat, fish, or vegetables in water

  1. a clear seasoned broth
  2. Bouillon is a municipality of Belgium. It lies in the country's Walloon Region and Luxembourg Province.
  3. Bouillon Soup is a Haitian soup traditionally cooked on Saturday. It is made with cut-up meat, potatoes, sliced plantains, yam, kelp, cabbage, and celery, and more in a mildly thick sauce (the soup).
  4. French, for broth. Refers to the liquid resulting from simmering meats, vegetables, and aromatics in water until the meats have lost all their nutritional elements to the water and the broth can jell upon cooling.
  5. A base for soup and sauces made by cooking vegetables, poultry, meat, or fish in water, then straining. Also known as broth or stock.
  6. simmering lean meat, bones, seasonings and vegetables and removing all food particles leaving a clear soup
  7. A flavor-concentrated powder of dehydrated beef, chicken or vegetable stock. Dehydrated bouillon must be dissolved in a hot liquid before using.
  8. A liquid similar to a stock, but cleaner and richer in flavor
  9. (BOO-yon): The liquid that results from simmering meat or vegetables; also referred to as broth.
  10. A seasoned broth or stock produced by cooking meat, vegetables or fish in liquid and straining out all particulate matter. Used as a base in many recipes.
  11. A clear soup stock not as strongly flavored as broth. it is usually clarified.
  12. Either a stock made from vegetables or a broth made from meat.
  13. A clear, seasoned soup usually made from beef or chicken, vegetables and seasonings; also obtained by dissolving a bouillon cube or envelope in boiling water.
  14. Any broth made by cooking veggies & meat in concentrated water
  15. is a highly concentrated and dried form of stock.  It is typically revived in water and contains a lot of salt. So when using, be aware of the salt content, especially if reducing a sauce or soup.
  16. the French word for Broth
  17. A clear soup made by cooking meat, usually beef, together with vegetables and seasonings, and then straining the resulting stock. It can also be prepared from bouillon granules or bouillon cubes.