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bottlenecks 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bottlenecks, plural;
  1. The neck or mouth of a bottle

  2. A point of congestion or blockage, in particular

  3. A narrow section of road or a junction that impedes traffic flow
    • - narrow streets and a lack of parking space combine to make the town a bottleneck
  4. A situation that causes delay in a process or system
    • - lack of imports is making the bottlenecks in domestic output worse than usual
  5. A device shaped like the neck of a bottle, worn on a guitarist's finger to produce special sound effects

  6. The style of guitar playing that uses such a device

  1. (bottleneck) constriction: a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel
  2. (bottleneck) slow down or impede by creating an obstruction; "His laziness has bottlenecked our efforts to reform the system"
  3. (bottleneck) the narrow part of a bottle near the top
  4. (Bottleneck (computing)) A bottleneck is a phenomenon where the performance or capacity of an entire system is limited by a single or limited number of components or resources. The term bottleneck is taken from the 'assets are water' metaphor. ...
  5. (Bottleneck (K2)) The Bottleneck is a location along the South-East Spur, known also as Abruzzi Spur - the most used route to the top of K2, the second-highest mountain of the world in the Karakoram on the Pakistan/China border.
  6. (Bottleneck) 1) Capacity constraint that may limit traffic carried on the network during peak load conditions; 2) In the US, part of the local loop, which is monopolized, is known as a bottleneck, because only one carrier provides the service. ...
  7. (Bottleneck) A constraint, obstacle, or planned control that limits throughput or the utilization of capacity.
  8. (bottleneck) Highway sections that experience operational problems such as congestion. Bottlenecks may result from factors other than reduced roadway width. For example, the close spacing of exit and entrance ramps can cause a weaving pattern that result in congestion. ...
  9. (bottleneck) A resource that constrains the flow of production, inventory movement or data in a system. In a free-flowing system, the first place to restrict throughput when demand is raised.
  10. (Bottleneck) Any resource whose capacity is equal to, or less than the demand placed on it.
  11. (Bottleneck) The slowest operation in a manufacturing process.
  12. (bottleneck) Severe reduction in the size of a population, brought about by intense selection pressure or a natural calamity.
  13. (Bottleneck) a location in the chain of a complete process where the flow of production slows downs and impedes the continuation of the process.
  14. (Bottleneck) A passage or intersection in a Maze such that every solution to that Maze passes through it. Sealing off any bottleneck makes a Maze unsolvable. For perfect Mazes, the entire solution path is a bottleneck.
  15. (Bottleneck) A machine or process that limits total output because it is operating at capacity.
  16. (Bottleneck) A technique for sliding a metal bar or tube along the strings to play notes and chords.
  17. (Bottleneck) slide with a glass or metal tube
  18. (Bottleneck) The manufacturing process for which the available capacity is less than the required capacity.
  19. (Bottleneck) Any point at which production is slowed because demand placed on a resource is equal to or more than capacity. Bottlenecks identify machines that are critical to large sections of the production cycle.
  20. (BOTTLENECK) A generation in the lineage from a founder when only one or a few offspring are produced so that not all of the founder’s alleles are transmitted onto the next generation.
  21. (Bottleneck) A backup of data occurring at a specific point on a network.  Oftentimes, a bottleneck occurs at points where high traffic moves from a high-speed medium (such as fiber) to a lower speed medium (such as copper wire).  Bottlenecks slow down data transmission.
  22. (Bottleneck) A crack with converging sides. Good for placing tapers or other passive protection.
  23. (Bottleneck) A part of the network for which there is no available substitute in the market.
  24. (Bottleneck) A process step that doesn't produce at the same rate as other process steps. Typically, this is where work gets piled up and information and services can't be delivered in a timely manner.
  25. (Bottleneck) A sharp reduction of a breeding population's size to a few individuals. The genetic consequences of a bottleneck, especially the loss of genetic variability, depend on both its magnitude and its duration.