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both 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Used to refer to two people or things, regarded and identified together,
  1. Used to refer to two people or things, regarded and identified together
    • - both his parents indulged him
    • - I urge you to read both these books
    • - she held on with both hands
    • - he was blind in both eyes
    • - a picture of both of us together
    • - Jackie and I are both self-employed
    • - he looked at them both
  1. Used before the first of two alternatives to emphasize that the statement being made applies to each (the other alternative being introduced by “and”)
    • - they all loved to play, both the boys and the girls
    • - it has won favor with both young and old
    • - studies of finches, both in the wild and in captivity

  1. both(a): (used with count nouns) two considered together; the two; "both girls are pretty"
  2. 2 (two) is a number, numeral, and glyph. It is the natural number following 1 and preceding 3.
  3. including both (used with and); Each of the two; one and the other
  4. in both respects: gehwæðeres
  5. The student has earned at least 12 credits in the core academic course areas and at least 3 credits in a single specific labor market preparation field.
  6. checking this option will place the program icon on both the taskbar and tray.
  7. the purchaser and the seller.  The form is used universally by mandate of HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development.   Click here for more information
  8. ad. not just one of two, but the two together
  9. are intimately connected and form a four-dimensional space-time continuum.  Mass is nothing but
  10. searches both Words and Headings.
  11. Mixed disorder of acid-base balance
  12. Dopexamine • Ibopamine • Octopamine
  13. of these HTTP requests are:
  14. Combines the Reload Button and Auto-reload options described above.
  15. (Immunity and Biggest Loser)