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botanist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. a biologist specializing in the study of plants
  2. (botanical) botanic: of or relating to plants or botany; "botanical garden"
  3. (botanical) a drug made from part of a plant (as the bark or root or leaves)
  4. (botany) vegetation: all the plant life in a particular region or period; "Pleistocene vegetation"; "the flora of southern California"; "the botany of China"
  5. (botany) the branch of biology that studies plants
  6. Boťany (Battyán) is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.
  7. (Botany (New Zealand electorate)) Botany is a New Zealand Parliamentary electorate, returning one Member of Parliament to the New Zealand House of Representatives. It was contested for the first time at the 2008 general election, and won by Pansy Wong for the National Party.
  8. (Botanical) Refers to a product containing plants or ingredients made from plants.
  9. (Botanical (boh-TAN-ih-kal)) Pertaining in this case to a (-cide) compound or substance which is derived from plants.
  10. (Botanical) Hydrastis canadensis Family: Ranunculaceae (peony/buttercup) Other common names: Eye Root, Indian Dye, Yellow Indian Paint, Yellow Puccoon, Yellowroot, Ground Raspberry, Orange Root, Indian Turmeric, Eye Balm, Jaundice Root
  11. (Botanical) referring to designs dominated by motifs depicting plant life.
  12. (botanical) Having to do with plants, most often used in reference to artwork depicting plants or flowers.
  13. Botanical products are those that are made from plants.
  14. (botany) (n) the science concerned with the study and classification of plants, the branch of biology dealing with plants
  15. (botany) biological science of plants
  16. (BOTANY) A plant community extending over a large area and dominated by trees, the crowns of which form an unbroken covering layer or canopy. ...
  17. (Botany) 1. A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower. 2.The stage or condition of having buds: branches in full bud.
  18. (Botany) Since prehistoric times, humans had used plants for food, medicine, and other purposes. However, until the Renaissance, there were few attempts to study or describe plants in a systematic manner. ...
  19. (Botany) Term used for yarns and fabrics made from Merino wool.
  20. (Botany) The main trends of research in botany are the study and use of the plant resources of Kazakhstan, the biological principles of increasing the productivity of pastures and hay-fields, the physiological and biochemical principles of increasing the productivity of agricultural crops, and ...
  21. (Botany) The scientific study if plants, relevant to forensics in terms of plant matter found at a crime scene or on an item of evidence.
  22. (Botany) a mark on a stem left after a leaf or other part has become detached
  23. a scientist who studies botany