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bots, plural;
  1. (chiefly in science fiction) A robot

  2. An autonomous program on a network (esp. the Internet) that can interact with computer systems or users, esp. one designed to respond or behave like a player in an adventure game

  1. botfly larva; typically develops inside the body of a horse or sheep or human
  2. In legal history, a bote, also spelled bot or bót, was a compensation, recompense, or amends. It is the source of a variety of other terms, including the following: manbote, which is amends paid to a lord for a servant who was killed; boteless, where no judgment or favor will acquit someone, as ...
  3. The Botanic Inn, more often affectionately known as "The Bot", is a bar/nightclub situated near Botanic Gardens in the Queen's Quarter of Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is one of the most popular social venues in the city. ...
  4. (BOTS) Acclaim Games, based in Beverly Hills, California, was a private online video game company that offers free Massively multiplayer online role-playing games on its website upon registration. ...
  5. (BOTs) The British Overseas Territories are fourteen territories of the United Kingdom which, although they do not form part of the United Kingdom itself, fall under its jurisdiction. ...
  6. (Bots (edi)) Bots is a open source EDI/b2b translator aiming to be complete EDI software. Bots is free software available under the GNU General Public License. Bots 2.0 is a major rewrite of the GUI; django is now used as a web framework.
  7. The larva of a bot fly, which infests the skin of various mammals, producing warbles, or the nasal passage of sheep, or the stomach of horses; To bugger; To ask for and be given something with the direct intention of exploiting that thing’s usefulness, almost exclusively with cigarettes
  8. (Bots) Short for robots — Anything that plays the game for you (auto-clicker, etc). DO NOT USE BOTS, YOU WILL BE BANNED! (See Ban).
  9. (BOTS) Robots that search the web for new links and websites. They also look for updates to existing pages to see if there is new content to include in search results
  10. (BOTS) Robots; search engines that can look for very specific items
  11. (Bots) A Bot is a certain type of program and is a shorter expression for the term robot.  Bots are usually found to be using internet type programs that will give it access to the root system so it can take over and perform its actions in order to take command of the system. ...
  12. (Bots) Programs that are covertly installed on a user’s machine to allow an unauthorized user to remotely control the targeted system through a communication channel, such as IRC, P2P, or HTTP.
  13. (Bots) The little automated interwebbie hellions that visit my site and throw off my visitor metrics, scaring me into thinking people are actually reading the stupid things I say.
  14. (Bots) Tiny larvae that crawl into nasal passages.
  15. (Bots) Used to refer to autonomous "AI" units within a game, or alternatively an entity programmed by a game player designed to try and play a game through automated means.
  16. (Bots) automatic robot which acts as a player in a game, form of cheating method
  17. (bots) Also known as agents, bots are computer programs that run automatically, are sent to do a task in lieu of a 'real person', and are capable of reacting autonomously to events. The name derives (as you've probably guessed) from robots, and they can take many forms on the Internet. ...
  18. Bots are quintessential Trojan Horses. They try to disguise the fact that they are on the desktop. They have control channels and can communicate back to whoever created them. Some have software update features. Most now have a financial variant. First they become a spam relay. ...
  19. Bots are transmitted in the summer and fall until the first hard freeze ends bot fly activity for the year.  Therefore, treatment for bots should occur in late autumn after the first hard freeze. ...
  20. Programs written to scour the web automatically for various reasons (to index web pages, for spamming purposes, etc.) aka web robots, web crawlers, internet bots, spiders.
  21. Short for robot, a program designed to search the Internet looking for information. Bots can also refer to any short piece of programming that performs a specific function.
  22. Short for "robot". In a poker context, a program that plays poker online with no (or minimal) human intervention.
  23. Used in reference to a search engine robot or spider; software applications that retrieve web page information to feed into a search engine database.
  24. Abbreviation for robot (also called a spider). It refers to software programs that scan the web. Bots vary in purpose from indexing web pages for search engines to harvesting e-mail addresses for spammers.
  25. An automated piece of software that can be used in chat rooms or to crawl the web. Back to Top