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bosques 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. Bosque is the name for areas of gallery forest found along the flood plains of stream and river banks in the southwestern United States. It derives its name from the Spanish word for ''''.
  2. Revista BOSQUE is a scientific journal published by the Forestry Faculty of the Southern University of Chile. It publishes articles on a wide range of forestry-related topics, primarily on issues that are relevant to Chile, Latin America and the Southern Hemisphere. ...
  3. (Bosque (elm cultivar)) The Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia cultivar 'UPMTF' (Bosque) was raised by Moon's Tree Farm nursery , Atlanta.
  4. (bosque) [19^th century] Rare spelling of bosk
  5. (Bosque) Low-lying area near rivers, densely forested with cottonwoods and other deciduous trees.
  6. (bosque) grove of trees or forest
  7. (Bosque) Small woody area or clump of trees, usually some distance, designed as an ornamental backdrop.
  8. (bosque) a rectangular or circular grove of trees in a regular planting arrangement
  9. (bosque) a small, low-lying wooded area often located near a river