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borrows 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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borrowed, past participle; borrows, 3rd person singular present; borrowed, past tense; borrowing, present participle;
  1. Take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the intention of returning it
    • - he had borrowed a car from one of his colleagues
    • - she was wearing a borrowed jacket
  2. Take and use (money) from a person or bank under an agreement to pay it back later
    • - I borrowed the money for a return plane ticket
    • - lower interest rates will make it cheaper for individuals to borrow
  3. Take (a word, idea, or method) from another source and use it in one's own language or work
    • - the term is borrowed from Greek
    • - designers consistently borrow from the styles of preceding generations
  4. Take and use (a book) from a library for a fixed period of time

  5. In subtraction, take a unit from the next larger denomination

  6. Allow (a certain distance) when playing a shot to compensate for sideways motion of the ball due to a slope or other irregularity

  1. A slope or other irregularity on a golf course that must be compensated for when playing a shot

  1. Kerry James "Chester" Borrows (born 1957) is a New Zealand politician.