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boreal 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of the North or northern regions,
  1. Of the North or northern regions

  2. Relating to or characteristic of the climatic zone south of the Arctic, esp. the cold temperate region dominated by taiga and forests of birch, poplar, and conifers
    • - northern boreal forest
  3. Relating to or denoting a phytogeographical kingdom comprising the arctic and temperate regions of Eurasia and North America

  1. relating to or marked by qualities associated with the north wind
  2. toward or located in the north; "the boreal signs of the Zodiac"
  3. comprising or throughout far northern regions
  4. In paleoclimatology of the Holocene, the Boreal was the first of the Blytt-Sernander sequence of north European climatic phases that were originally based on the study of Danish peat bogs, named for Axel Blytt and Rutger Sernander, who first established the sequence. ...
  5. Of, relating to, or coming from the north
  6. most usually used to mean northern in reference to latitudes 45°-75°N and in association with the largely coniferous forests found here.
  7. Refers to species characteristic of the biogeographical area that extends across northern Canada south of the tundra.
  8. northern; pertaining to the north, esp. the north wind
  9. (1) Quebec's main sf convention, held in a different city each year. (2) The annual Awards for Francophone sf, presented at the convention of the same name.
  10. Referring to forest areas, found in northern temperate areas, that are dominated by coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine.
  11. Cool, temperate regions of the northern part of the Earth, where we find vast forests of evergreen trees such as black spruce and balsam fir.
  12. BORE-ee-uhl/ Pertaining to, or located in the cold northern regions of the globe.
  13. Relating to the northern biotic area characterized by the dominance of coniferous forests.
  14. Gk originated geography term for the northern. The one that is adapted in temperate water when is referred to an aquatic organism.
  15. Of the Boreal biome; the coniferous forest zone in northern Europe and/or the coniferous forest zone in mountains within central Europe.
  16. Northern. Opposite of austral.