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borders 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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borders, plural;
  1. Form an edge along or beside (something)
    • - a pool bordered by palm trees
  2. (of a country or area) Be adjacent to (another country or area)
    • - regions bordering Azerbaijan
    • - the park is east of San Diego, bordering on Mexico
  3. Be close to an extreme condition
    • - Sam arrived in a state of excitement bordering on hysteria
  4. Provide (something) with a decorative edge
    • - a curving driveway bordered with chrysanthemums
  1. A line separating two political or geographical areas, esp. countries
    • - the German border with Denmark
    • - border patrols
  2. A district near such a line
    • - a refugee camp on the border
  3. The edge or boundary of something, or the part near it
    • - the northern border of their distribution area
    • - the unknown regions at the borders of physics and electronics
  4. A band or strip, esp. a decorative one, around the edge of something
    • - put a white border around the picture
  5. A strip of ground along the edge of a lawn or path for planting flowers or shrubs
    • - the garden borders are planted with perennials

  1. (border) boundary line: a line that indicates a boundary
  2. (border) surround: extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property"
  3. (border) frame: enclose in or as if in a frame; "frame a picture"
  4. (border) molding: a decorative recessed or relieved surface on an edge
  5. (border) provide with a border or edge; "edge the tablecloth with embroidery"
  6. (border) a strip forming the outer edge of something; "the rug had a wide blue border"
  7. Borders define geographic boundaries of political entities or legal jurisdictions, such as governments, sovereign states, federated states and other subnational entities. ...
  8. Borders Group is an international bookseller based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Borders is the second-largest bookstore chain in the United States (after Barnes & Noble), selling a wide variety of books, CDs, DVDs, and periodicals, as well as gifts and stationery.
  9. Transistor is the fourth studio album by 311. It was released on August 5, 1997. The album was certified Platinum.
  10. "Borders" is a song by Leeds-based indie rock band The Sunshine Underground. It is taken from their 2006 debut album Raise the Alarm and is the fourth and last single to be released from the album, in March 2007.
  11. Borders (UK) Ltd. was established as a Borders Group subsidiary in 1998 and in 2007 became independent of the US company. At its peak after separation from the US parent, it traded from its 41 Borders and 28 BOOKS etc. ...
  12. The Scottish Borders (the Mairches; Na Crìochan); is one of 32 local government council areas of Scotland. ...
  13. (Border) A strip of fabric or pieced strip of fabric joined to the edges of the inner quilt and used to frame it.
  14. (Border) (also known as a valance) – a short drape that masks the top of the proscenium arch, projection screen, or fly ropes if there is not a ceiling to a set.
  15. (Border) a decorative inlay of different colored woods assembled in a pattern around the perimeter of a room or rooms. Flooring is used to fill in and around the border, commonly called the “field.”
  16. (Border) edge of a photographic print – either left white, or printed black.
  17. (Border) frames the pieced central part of your quilt, much like matting and a frame.  Could be an intricately pieced border or a more simple, single strip of fabric.
  18. (border) Most commonly a line or repetitive design used to emphasize or set apart all or portions of a sign's art. In electric signs, illuminated tubes and arrows or decorative molding may also serve as borders.
  19. (Border) Flown scenic piece or curtain designed to conceal the upper part of the stage and its machinery or lighting equipment. (UK)
  20. (Border) An InputOutput window can have a border of equal thickness on all four sides of the window. The contents of the border are defined by a pixmap, and the server automatically maintains the contents of the border. Exposure events are never generated for border regions.
  21. (BORDER) The term for a (comparatively) wide band surrounding a field of a different colour, which may consist of one colour - either plain or have charges placed upon it - or may be made up of two or more colours in a variety of designs – a bordure (see also ‘flammulets’, ‘inset border’, ‘orle’ ...
  22. (Border) The term used to describe the side or perimeter of the mattress.
  23. (Border) A single or series of bands surrounding the field or the focal point of a rug or carpet.
  24. (Border) a narrow band of wallcovering used for decorative purposes, usually at ceiling height. It is also often used at chair-rail height in place of or in addition to wood molding and also as detail around windows and doors.
  25. (Border) A design that surrounds the field in a rug and forms a visual frame for main design.