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borax 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A white mineral in some alkaline salt deposits, used in making glass and ceramics, as a metallurgical flux, and as an antiseptic,
  1. A white mineral in some alkaline salt deposits, used in making glass and ceramics, as a metallurgical flux, and as an antiseptic

  1. an ore of boron consisting of hydrated sodium borate; used as a flux or cleansing agent
  2. Borax, also known as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate, is an important boron compound, a mineral, and a salt of boric acid. It is usually a white powder consisting of soft colorless crystals that dissolve easily in water.
  3. A white or gray/grey crystalline salt, with a slight alkaline taste, used as a flux, in soldering metals, making enamels, fixing colors/colours on porcelain, and as a soap, etc; The sodium salt of boric acid, Na2B4O7, either anhydrous or with 5 or 10 molecules of water of crystallisation; ...
  4. mild alkali used in fine grain developing solutions to speed up the action of the solution.
  5. Also known as sodium borate decahydrate, borax is a mineral composed of sodium, boron, oxygen, and water. It has fungicide, preservative, insecticide, herbicide, and disinfectant properties. ...
  6. Sodium borate, a mineral salt found in alkaline deposits. A form of borax purified by calcination is used as a flux in glazes.
  7. Water softener that also acts as a weak antiseptic.
  8. A white, crystalline, mildly alkaline, water soluble salt (sodium borate). As a laundry additive, borax provides moderate alkalinity buffering, and aids in loosening soils and stains. ...
  9. a white, crystalline powder used as a cleaning material
  10. A naturally occurring mineral composed of sodium, boron, oxygen and water. First appearing in history over 4,000 thousand years ago, Borax is used as an effective laundry whitener, general purpose cleaner and disinfectant. Somewhat less toxic than boric acid, below. ...
  11. (Sodium borate) also known as desert salt. Excavated mainly in California - remember 20 Mule Team Borax? Natural preservative, water softener, deodorizer, and mild astringent with a weak antiseptic action. Soothing and freshening to hot, tired feet and itchy skin. ...
  12. Also called sodium borate. Hard, odorless crystals, granules or crystal powder. Moderately toxic.
  13. (mineralogy) Borax [ B4O7Na2, disodic tetraborate ]
  14. Borax really isn't a period of furniture as it is a term that refers to lower priced, mass produced furniture from the 1920's to current day. Upholstered pieces are characterized by a large overstuffed design and usually have wood trim. ...
  15. A chemical substance used as a flux in soldering precious metals. Borax is dissolved in water and applied to the joint and pieces of the solder before heat is applied to melt the solder.
  16. Borax containes about 11% boron. Used in fertilizer as a source of the boron, a plant food element.
  17. Someone out there decided that borax was safe and natural to use in skin care products to whiten products and prolong their shelf life. This is not true. Just because borax is a naturally occurring mineral made of boron, sodium, oxygen and water, does not mean it is safe. ...
  18. A crystalline salt used in making certain types of glass.  A certain amount is often added to the Batch to strengthen the glass.  Pyrex, the heat-resistant oven-glass developed by the Corning Glass Works, and manufactured under its license worldwide, is made with borax. ...
  19. Borax is a preservative used to preserve and flavour caviar. The full name is Sodium tetra borate, often referred to by its E number - E285. It is an illegal food additive in the US, meaning that all caviar sold in the US tends to rely on higher salt levels to ensure effective preservation.
  20. A wood preservative considered non-toxic.
  21. One of Actaeon's dogs. See Actaeon.
  22. بورق buraq, from Persian.