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borage 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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borages, plural;
  1. A herbaceous plant with bright blue flowers and hairy leaves, used medicinally and as a salad green

  1. hairy blue-flowered European annual herb long used in herbal medicine and eaten raw as salad greens or cooked like spinach
  2. an herb whose leaves are used to flavor sauces and punches; young leaves can be eaten in salads or cooked
  3. Borage, also known as a starflower, is an annual herb originating in Syria, but naturalized throughout the Mediterranean region, as well as Asia Minor, Europe, North Africa, and South America. ...
  4. a Mediterranean plant with oval leaves, used in salads
  5. Nutrient dense oil high in rare gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), also found in human breast milk. Excellent treatment for dry or mature skin, acne, rosacea, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin problems. Also known as Starflower oil. GLA helps support the hormonal system, skin and joints as well.
  6. a blue-flowered plant with hairy leaves that taste somewhat like cucumber; used primarily in salads. "Borage," Boorde says, "doth comforte the herte, and doth ingender good bloode, and causeth a man to be mery."
  7. A genus of plants, giving its name to a natural order (Boraginaceæ). spec. The common British species (Borago officinalis), which has bright blue flowers, and stem and leaves covered with prickly hairs; it was formerly much esteemed as a cordial, and is still largely used in making cool tankard, ...
  8. An emollient herb that has a cooling and soothing effect.
  9. An herb, also known as the starflower, that has long been used for medicinal purposes. Borage is rich in gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid.
  10. Common Borage (Borago officinalis). A kitchen herb common across Europe. Borage flowers are blue.
  11. An herbaceous plant, borgo officinalis.   Skin soother.
  12. Borage tea was given to competitor in tournaments of medieval times as a moral booster. “I, borage bring always courage? was a popular rhyme of the day. Borage is an annual plant that grows wild in the Mediterranean countries. The hollow, bristly, branched stem grows up to 2 feet tall. ...
  13. Simply the best Essential Fatty Acid for skin. It contains Gamma Linoeic Acid (what Evening Primrose is known for, GLA is found in mother's milk) It is gentler on skin than Evening Primrose oil. Great for all skin types, especially for those with acne and prematurely aging skin.
  14. Virgin (Borago officinalis) Australian.  This oil is expressed from the Borage plant - a hardy annual that contains potassium, calcium & mineral acids.  An excellent fatty acid oil rich in vitamins with over 18% GLA content. ...
  15. A small herb with bright blue flowers, leaves and flowers can be used to decorate and perfume, for instance with chopped cucumber and mint in Pimm's and Lemonade.
  16. (Borago officinalis): lactagoge; diaphoretic; anti-inflammatory; lowers fevers during convalescence.
  17. kurkkuyrtti, purasruoho