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boozer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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boozers, plural;
  1. A person who drinks large quantities of alcohol

  2. A pub or bar

  1. alcoholic: a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually
  2. One who drinks habitually; a drunkard; A public house
  3. Generally used in the South of England, a boozer is a slang name for a pub or bar. This probably wouldn?t be used in a classy or posh drinking place. It is more the term for a cheaper option.
  4. A system of lights mounted on the aircraft's instrument panel that lit up when the aircraft was being tracked by Würzburg ground radar and Lichtenstein airborne radar. ...
  5. If someone is talking about going to the boozer, it means they are going to the pub.
  6. As a noun, a pub? To us a boozer someone who drinks excessively.
  7. RAF airborne device which warned that the aircraft carrying it was being monitored by Würzburg.
  8. One who over indulges in alcohol.
  9. heavy drinker; local pub
  10. a pub, bar or tavern