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boosters 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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boosters, plural;
  1. A person or thing that helps increase or promote something, in particular

  2. A keen promoter of a person, organization, or cause
    • - athletic booster clubs
  3. A source of help or encouragement
    • - job fairs are a great morale booster
  4. A dose of an immunizing agent increasing or renewing the effect of an earlier one

  5. The first stage of a rocket or spacecraft, used to give initial acceleration

  6. A device for increasing electrical voltage or signal strength

  7. A shoplifter

  1. (booster) supporter: a person who backs a politician or a team etc.; "all their supporters came out for the game"; "they are friends of the library"
  2. (booster) promoter: someone who is an active supporter and advocate
  3. (booster) a thief who steals goods that are in a store
  4. (booster) an amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal
  5. (booster) the first stage of a multistage rocket
  6. (booster) an additional dose that makes sure the first dose was effective
  7. (Booster (electric power)) A Booster was a motor-generator (MG) set used for voltage regulation in direct current (DC) electrical power circuits. The development of alternating current and solid-state devices has rendered it obsolete. ...
  8. (Booster (KMG ride)) Speed is an amusement ride design produced by the Dutch company KMG. It is commonly referred to as KMG Booster, due to its similarity with the Fabbri Booster ride.
  9. (Booster (movie character)) Buzz Lightyear of Star Command is an American animated science fiction/adventure/comedy series produced by Walt Disney Television. The series originally aired on ABC from August 2000 to January 2001 as part of Disney's One Saturday Morning programming block. ...
  10. (Booster (newspaper)) Lerner Newspapers was once the largest chain of weekly newspapers in the world. Founded by Leo Lerner, the chain was a force in community journalism in Chicago from 1926 to 2005.
  11. (Booster (rocketry)) In spaceflight, a booster may be: * An entire launch vehicle or "launcher" used to lift a spacecraft. ...
  12. (Booster (sports)) A booster club is an organization that is formed to contribute money to an associated club, sports team, or organization. Booster clubs are popular in American schools at the high school and university level. ...
  13. (booster) In medicine, refers to a vaccination given after a previous vaccination. A booster helps maintain or increase a protective immune response.
  14. (booster) A device inserted into a line (or cable) to increase the voltage. Boosting generators are also used to raise the level of a dc line. Transformers are usually employed to boost ac voltages. The term booster is also applied to antenna preamplifiers.
  15. (booster) extra doses of vaccine given to boost the immune response to the disease the vaccine protects against.
  16. (Booster) An amplifier that takes the signal from the command station and feeds it to the track. Boosters are rated by the amount of current they can supply to the track. A booster may be built into the same enclosure as the command station. ...
  17. (Booster) Material that is placed inside a nappy to increase the overall absorbency. They are generally used if your baby is a heavy wetter or if they are wearing the nappy overnight.
  18. (Booster) On a multi stage rocket this refers to the sections (stages) which drop off in mid-flight. On single stage payload rockets,the term is used for the lower powered portion to distinguish it from the payload section. See also "Air Start"
  19. (Booster) TV or Radio Signal amplifier/booster
  20. (BOOSTER) A secondary steam engine provided on a locomotive's trailing axle or tender to assist with train starting. ...
  21. (BOOSTER) A pneumatic relay that is used to reduce the time lag in pneumatic circuits by reproducing pneumatic signals with high-volume and or high-pressure output. These units may act as volume boosters or as amplifiers. ...
  22. (BOOSTER) An engine that assists the normal propulsion system of a vehicle or other systems of a vehicle.
  23. (BOOSTER) To Start.  See also, Reboot.
  24. (Booster) 1) Any gang member who displays a strong affinity for cyberware. 2) Gang member that uses cyberware, leathers, and violence as a way of life.
  25. (Booster) A device which increases the volume over that of the system flow rate at the expense of pressure, also called an amplifier. It is the adverse of an intensifier which amplifies pressure at the expense of flow rate.