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boors 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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boors, plural;
  1. A rude, ill-mannered person
    • - at last the big obnoxious boor had been dealt a stunning blow for his uncouth and belligerent manner
  2. A clumsy person

  3. A peasant; a yokel

  1. (boor) peasant: a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement
  2. The Boors, also known as The Cantankerous Men (Venetian: I rusteghi), is a comedy by Carlo Goldoni. It was first performed at the San Luca theatre of Venice towards the end of the Carnival in 1760. It was published in 1762. ...
  3. (boor) A peasant; A Boer, white South African of Dutch or Huguenot descent; A yokel, country bumpkin; An uncultured person
  4. (Boor) borus A lower class of peasant, but above slave; term only recorded in counties outside the Danelaw.
  5. (Boor) A peasant of low standing. This term was on the way out, to be replaced by 'Villan'.
  6. (The Boor) or The Bear (Medved' [Медвдь]: Shutka v odnom deystvii, 1888) - one act comedy