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booklets 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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booklets, plural;
  1. A small book consisting of a few sheets, typically with paper covers

  1. (booklet) a small book usually having a paper cover
  2. (booklet) A small book, including the one found with audio CDs
  3. (Booklet) A unit of one or more small panes or blocks (known as booklet panes) glued, stitched or stapled together between thin card covers to form a convenient unit for mailers to purchase and carry. The first officially issued booklet was produced by Luxembourg in 1895.
  4. (Booklet) 1) a large, open side envelope for catalogs, annual reports, and brochures. 2) Also refers to commercial open side envelopes with two side seams.
  5. (Booklet) Open side, side seam envelopes available in many sizes. Booklet envelopes that exceed 6" x 9" are called “flats” and require additional postage to mail.
  6. (BOOKLET) Pane of stamps attached to a card cover which is bound together by stitching, staples, or glue.
  7. (Booklet) A folder containing stamps, either definitives or commemoratives and issued by the postal authorities.
  8. (Booklet) A very thin book with a small number of pages, generally bound with staples, and with a paper cover, giving information about one topic. RM Barry Publications offers several booklets for sale.
  9. (Booklet) Stamp booklets are produced and sold sometimes for convenience. Usually, stamps of similar value are printed side by side. Earlier booklets may feature stitched or stapled spines, but modern examples are usually fixed to one side of a folded cover by its margin.
  10. (Booklet) The set of sheets provided to the Future Problem Solving team on which to complete the FPS process.
  11. (booklet) A paper cover {publication}, distinguished in the {Society's} publications from a {brochure} by being smaller. <<He took copies of the booklet Jehovah's Witnesses and the Question of Blood and the brochure How Can Blood Save Your Life? to his doctor.>>
  12. (booklet) The assessment instrument created by combining blocks of assessment items.
  13. Booklet is a small book inserted inside Jewel Box or Slim Box. It may contain from 2 to 32 pages.
  14. Booklets usually contain less pages than a BOOK. Booklets are printed or available as Download (PDF). See descriptions for exact details for a particular item.
  15. From 8 to 64 pages, choice of 5 paper stocks, optional thick covers.
  16. Booklet PCs are dual screen tablet computers that fold open like a book. A typical Booklet PC is equipped with multitouch screens and pen writing recognition capabilities. ...