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boodle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Money, esp. that gained or spent illegally or improperly,
  1. Money, esp. that gained or spent illegally or improperly
    • - he spent $30 million of his own boodle trying to buy a Senate seat
  2. A great quantity, esp. of money
    • - Scandinavian Air has boodles of seats for America
    • - the men expected to make boodles

  1. informal terms for money
  2. Michigan: a gambling card game in which chips are placed on the ace and king and queen and jack of separate suits (taken from a separate deck); a player plays the lowest card of a suit in his hand and successively higher cards are played until the sequence stops; the player who plays a card ...
  3. Boodle, or boodler, was a bar-room or street term for money or booty applied by the yellow press (in 1884-1886) to members of the New York Board of Aldermen who were charged with accepting bribes in connection with the granting of a franchise for a street railroad on Broadway. ...
  4. Boodle is a collection of short stories by Leslie Charteris, first published in the United Kingdom by Hodder and Stoughton in 1934. This was the thirteenth book to feature the adventures of Simon Templar, alias "The Saint", and the second short story collection featuring the character. ...
  5. Money, especially when acquired or spent illegally or improperly; swag
  6. money. There are many different interpretations of boodle meaning money, in the UK and the US. Boodle normally referred to ill-gotten gains, such as counterfeit notes or the proceeds of a robbery, and also to a roll of banknotes, although in recent times the usage has extended to all sorts of ...
  7. A term that refers to food of any sort. Usually the word boodle is used to refer to candy, ice cream, or pizza.
  8. money: e.g., That new bloke Suze is dating has oodles of boodle.