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boob 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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boobs, plural;
  1. A woman's breast

  1. drop the ball: commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake; "I blundered during the job interview"
  2. dumbbell: an ignorant or foolish person
  3. breast: either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman
  4. The Boob is a romantic comedy film released by MGM in 1926. It was directed by William Wellman and starred Gertrude Olmstead, Antonio D'Algy, George K. Arthur and Joan Crawford.
  5. breast, especially human female; Idiot, dummy, dork; To make a mistake
  6. (boobs) a woman's breasts (use with caution.* It's not bad but in mixed company it might be better to say "breasts") .
  7. sissy, effeminate male child, cry of the bittern
  8. (acronym, bolt out of the blue) (AmE, USAF) Surprise mission.
  9. Dumb guy (Lake, 154)