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bonzer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Excellent, first-rate,
  1. Excellent, first-rate

  1. remarkable or wonderful
  2. fabulous, great, cool, ripper
  3. Pronounced "bonsa" - grouse, great, excellent.
  4. An Australian slang term, expressing approval; similar to 'excellent' or 'wonderful'.
  5. A surfboard with 5, yes 5 fins! Devised by the Californian Cambell brothers in the 70s but still used from time to time (I saw one yesterday)
  6. an exclamation for great or fantastic, wonderful or terrific
  7. a general term of approval. As for its origin: its starting point (“perhaps” says the Australian National Dictionary) is the French word for “good”, bon. By the late 19th century this was made more emphatic by being turned into the colloquial word “bonster”. ...
  8. A surfboard design first invented by the Campbell brothers, Duncan and Malcolm, in 1971. Forerunner of today's popular single-to-double concave bottom shape. .
  9. Excellent, attractive, really great.
  10. really good (almost extinct).
  11. Excellent, Good, Wonderful