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bonny 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bonniest, superlative; bonnier, comparative;
  1. Attractive; beautiful
    • - a bonny lass
  2. (of a baby) Plump and healthy-looking

  3. Sizable; considerable (usually expressing approval)
    • - it's worth a thousand pounds, a bonny sum
  1. Used as a form of address for one's beloved or baby

  1. very pleasing to the eye; "my bonny lass"; "there's a bonny bay beyond"; "a comely face"; "young fair maidens"
  2. (bonnily) in a bonny manner
  3. Bonny (formerly Ibani or Ubani from the Igbo language) is a town and a Local Government Area in Rivers State in southeast Nigeria, on the Bight of Biafra. It was also the capital of the Kingdom of Bonny (the land of the Ibani or Eastern Ijaw). ...
  4. "Bonny" is an instrumental performed by Australian hard rock band AC/DC, based on the traditional Scottish ballad The Bonnie Banks O' Loch Lomond. Originally recorded by the band in 1976 as "Fling Thing", it was released on the B-side of the "Jailbreak" single, and more recently, on Backtracks.
  5. Alternative spelling of bonnie
  6. Adjective: Good looking, or of good character. Sometimes used ironically to mean the opposite!
  7. Clapper or Bonny-Clabber - An Irish term for sour buttermilk.
  8. (in  Bonny (Nigeria))