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bonking 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bonks, 3rd person singular present; bonked, past participle; bonking, present participle; bonked, past tense;
  1. Knock or hit (something) so as to cause a reverberating sound
    • - he bonked his head on the plane's low bulkhead
  2. Have sexual intercourse with (someone)

  3. (of a cyclist or runner) Reach a point of exhaustion that makes one unable to go further
    • - I bonked and couldn't pedal another stroke

  1. (bonk) sleep together: have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
  2. (bonk) sock: hit hard
  3. Bonking is a trick-taking card game for 4 players that is played with a deck of cards. Everyone plays for themselves. In total 11 rounds are played, in which every round has its own goal. The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible. ...
  4. (Bonk (album)) Bonk is the debut studio album by Australian rock band Big Pig. It was released in March 1988 on White Label Records. The album went gold, then platinum in Australia with three top-twenty singles ("Hungry Town", "Breakaway" and "Big Hotel"). ...
  5. (Bonked) In endurance sports, particularly cycling and running, hitting the wall or the bonk describes a condition caused by the depletion of glycogen stores in the liver and muscles, which manifests itself by precipitous fatigue and loss of energy. ...
  6. (bonk) A bump on the head; Any minor collision or random meeting; An act of sexual intercourse; A condition of sudden, severe fatigue in an endurance sports event caused by glycogen depletion; To strike or collide with something; To have sexual intercourse; To hit something with the front ...
  7. (Bonk) Known as “hitting ht wall” in marathon running, this is when a rider completely runs out of energy.
  8. (Bonk) The act of hitting a no-snow object with the snowboard (e.g. A tail bonk could be hitting a picnic table with the tail of the snowboard).
  9. (Bonk) v. to run out of energy or grow exhausted on a ride. "I bonked so early it was embarrassing."
  10. (Bonk) When one runs out of energy and the only exercise that can be performed is either slow running or cannot go on at all, due to glycogen depletion and or low blood sugar. Also referred to as “hitting the wall.” Typically occurs at around the 20 mile point in the marathon.
  11. (Bonk) touching your board on an obstacle.
  12. (bonk) a state of severe exhaustion caused mainly by the depletion of glycogen in the muscles because the rider has failed to eat or drink enough. Once it occurs, rest and high-carbohydrate foods are necessary for recovery.
  13. (Bonk) what happens when you don't eat and drink enough
  14. (BONK) Another term like "hitting the wall"; a state of exhaustion when glycogen stores are depleted, blood glucose (sugar) levels are low and the only exercise that can be performed is slow running; typically occurs at around the 20 mile point in the marathon
  15. (Bonk) Total exhaustion caused by lack of sufficient food during a long race or ride.
  16. (BONK) Okay, so I saved this for last. I used to do a lot of this in the early days out on the Ironman bike training course. Actually this word has lost favor in recent years as part of Ironman bike terminology because of it's other meaning in the U.K.
  17. (BONK) oops… that’s all you got? You’ll be OTB soon.
  18. (BONK) when a runner, cyclist or swimmer runs out of energy, usually toward the end of the race. Also hitting an object while boarding as part of a trick.
  19. (Bonk) A Zorch with a head fake. Like a zorch, this command returns control back to where it came from. If you receive control from your right, you look left, bonk, and control returns to the player on your right. ...
  20. (Bonk) A large, arrogant member of the gang who is constantly criticized by the others for his lack of consideration. His arrogance proves to be his undoing when he confronts Tim Drake / The Joker, saying he believes that the Joker is a fake and that he wants to quit. ...
  21. (Bonk) A term used to describe a condition experienced when running out of energy while riding a bicycle or running.
  22. (Bonk) Bouncing off an object such as a rock, a tree, or a stump.
  23. (Bonk) Feel of a cymbal that is too stiff because it has too much tension in it. Bonky cymbals lack fullness and warmth of sound and may feel unpleasing to the wrist. Opposite is wobbly
  24. (Bonk) Finn-ese for "Cheers," as he noted during our Thanksgiving toast.
  25. (Bonk) Hit "the wall", run out of energy due to inadequate fuel intake