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boneless 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a piece of meat or fish) Having had the bones removed,
  1. (of a piece of meat or fish) Having had the bones removed

  2. (of a person) Limp; with loose limbs

  3. Lacking physical or mental strength
    • - the slack and boneless character of his writing

  1. being without a bone or bones; "jellyfish are boneless"
  2. A freestyle skateboarding trick is a trick done on a skateboard while freestyle skateboarding. Some of these tricks are done in a stationary position, unlike many other skateboarding tricks. The keys to a good freestyle contest run are variety, difficulty, fluidity, and creativity. ...
  3. Without bones, especially as pertaining to meat or poultry prepared for eating; Lacking strength, courage, or resolve; spineless
  4. (bonelessness) The state or quality of being boneless
  5. Fish fillets in which the processor has removed all bones including pin bones from the product.