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bombazine 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A twilled dress fabric of worsted and silk or cotton,
  1. A twilled dress fabric of worsted and silk or cotton

  1. a twilled fabric used for dresses; the warp is silk and the weft is worsted; "black bombazine is frequently used for mourning garments"
  2. Bombazine, or bombasine, is a fabric originally made of silk or silk and wool, and now also made of cotton and wool or of wool alone. Quality bombazine is made with a silk warp and a worsted weft. It is twilled or corded and used for dress-material. ...
  3. The black material of which legal gowns are made.
  4. Twill fabric of a silk or cotton and wool blend, usually dyed black for mourning wear.
  5. warp of silk, weft of worsted, with twilled appearance
  6. twilled silk and worsted fabric