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High-sounding language with little meaning, used to impress people,
  1. High-sounding language with little meaning, used to impress people

  1. pompous or pretentious talk or writing
  2. (bombastic) ostentatiously lofty in style; "a man given to large talk"; "tumid political prose"
  3. Fustian (also called bombast) is a term for a variety of heavy woven, mostly cotton fabrics, chiefly prepared for menswear. It is also used to refer to pompous, inflated or pretentious writing or speech, from at least the time of Shakespeare. ...
  4. Originally, cotton, or cotton wool; Cotton, or any soft, fibrous material, used as stuffing for garments; stuffing; padding; High-sounding words; an inflated style; language above the dignity of the occasion; fustian; To swell or fill out; to pad; to inflate; High-sounding; inflated; big ...
  5. (bombastic) Pompous or overly wordy; High-sounding but with little meaning; Inflated, overfilled
  6. (Bombastic) adj. Of, from, or pertaining to the PC-USA.
  7. (bombastic) (adj) - pompous writing or speech; grandiloquent. bombast (n)
  8. hyperbolic or wildly exaggerating speech, so-called after a kind of cotton stuffing.
  9. Padding made of cotton and rags used to stuff in the linings of 16th-century garments.
  10. Bombast is an inflated, extremely verbose style of writing that is wholly inappropriate to the subject matter. bad writers may use bombast unintentionally, but it is often used for deliberate satirical or comic effect.
  11. Inflated, pretentious language used for trivial subjects.
  12. Etymology: modification of Middle French bombace, from Medieval Latin bombac-, bombax cotton, alteration of Latin bombyc-, bombyx silkworm, silk, from Greek bombyk-, bombyx silkworm, silk garment, probably of Persian origin; akin to Persian pamba cotton. ...
  13. Originally the word described the cotton or horse-hair used in tailoring for padding. The term came to mean inflated and extravagant language.
  14. Pretentious and inflated language; language that tries to make the author look smarter or better than he or she actually is
  15. Pompous, overblown language.