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bolting 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(in rock climbing) The action of driving metal pins into rock faces so that ropes can be attached to them,
  1. (in rock climbing) The action of driving metal pins into rock faces so that ropes can be attached to them

  1. Bolting when referring to equidae, refers to two different equine behaviors.
  2. Bolting is the growth of an elongated stalk with flowers grown from within the main stem of a plant. This condition occurs in plants that are grown for their leaves, such as cabbage, lettuce, spinach, and other leafy greens. Bolting is induced by plant hormones of the gibberellin family. ...
  3. (Boltant) (Bolt'-ant) Bolting; springing forward. (Used of a hare or rabbit.)
  4. (Bolted) Used on the turns when a horse bears out sharply. This term is more severe than BORE OUT due to the fact that he bears out very quickly and ends up well past the middle of the track.
  5. (Bolted) took off real quick; ran
  6. Vegetables which quickly go to flower rather than producing the food crop. Usually caused by late planting and too warm temperatures.
  7. 'Running to seed' or flowering before you want. In many cases this will ruin the vegetable you are trying to grow.
  8. Some plants flower or produce seed prematurely before they have put on sufficient growth and reached maturity. This is often caused by poor soil or lack of water.
  9. (running to seed)—Flowering prematurely, usually due to unsuitable climatic conditions at certain stages of growth. Spinach, lettuce, celery, broccoli, and endive are plants that are prone to bolting.
  10. for a plant to prematurely begin the development of a flowering stalk and, subsequently, seed.
  11. a) Accelerating, usually to a gallop out of stimulus control (see Running away) and showing a lack of response to the stop/slow/step-back cues. Bolting reflects an extreme activation of the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal axis). This is a manifestation of conflict behaviour. ...
  12. The early flowering of a plant before it develops its crop. Cabbage, lettuce, radishes, and several other crops are subject to bolting. Often caused by rapid temperature changes, cool temperatures, and over fertilization with hot manures.
  13. is what cabbages and lettuces do when the weather gets hot. Instead of staying in a tight rosette, they grow tall and begin to flower; the quality of the vegetable declines.
  14. Producing seeds or flowering prematurely, usually due to heat. For example, cool-weather crops such as lettuce bolt during the summer. Leaf crops are discouraged from bolting by removal of flower heads. See deadhead.
  15. Two possible meanings; one is 'to run away', the other is 'to eat dangerously fast'. For  diagnosis and prevention of the latter problem, see Horse Food Bolting. See also Choke.
  16. The period of a plant's development when it begins trying to make flowers. This term is usually used when referring to a vegetable plant whose flowers or fruit are not the edible crop, such as lettuce or carrots. As such bolting refers to the end of a plant's usefulness as a crop.
  17. this is where the plant grows too fast due to being either being too wet or too dry, resulting in the stem shooting up and the plant ‘going to seed’. To avoid this simply grow a ‘bolt resistant’ variety eg. Beetroot Boltardy.
  18. 1. When a horse suddenly runs away, with or without a rider.^ 2. When a horse eats its feed too rapidly.^
  19. A horse/pony which is galloping out of control.
  20. When onion put up seed head. Occurs when a short day onion is planted in a long day area.  In Oklahoma this may occur when onions are brought up from the warm valley in Texas and planted will it is still very cold.
  21. Producing flowers and seeds prematurely.
  22. Installation of ¼ inch threaded -steel into cracked, splitting, or weak joints of a tree. This is typically used when considerable structural support is necessary to ensure the health of a tree.
  23. Applied to a vegetable that is prematurely producing seed heads (AKA gone to seed).
  24. Premature flowering and running to seed by vegetables.