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boldly 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. with boldness, in a bold manner; "we must tackle these tasks boldly"
  2. (boldness) the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger; "the proposal required great boldness"; "the plan required great hardiness of heart"
  3. (boldness) impudent aggressiveness; "I couldn't believe her boldness"; "he had the effrontery to question my honesty"
  4. (boldness) the quality of standing out strongly and distinctly
  5. Boldness is an opposite of being shy. A bold person may be willing to risk shame or rejection in social situations, and willing to bend rules of etiquette or politeness. An excessively bold person could aggressively ask for money, or persistently push a person to fulfill some request, and so on. ...
  6. (boldness) The state of being bold; courage; presumptuousness; The relative weight of a font; the thickness of its strokes
  7. (BOLDNESS) Ambition, Audacity, Competition, Decisiveness, Endurance, Fortitude, Impulsiveness, Initiative, Objectivity, Persistence, Resistance, Resolution, Self-determination, Self-improvement, Zeal.
  8. baldlice; caflice; cene; modiglice