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boldface 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A typeface with thick strokes,
  1. Printed or displayed in such a typeface

  1. A typeface with thick strokes

  1. a typeface with thick heavy lines
  2. print in boldface
  3. In typography, emphasis is the exaggeration of words in a text with a font in a different style from the rest of the text--to emphasize them.
  4. In the mathematical field of descriptive set theory, a pointclass is a collection of sets of points, where a point is ordinarily understood to be an element of some perfect Polish space. ...
  5. A font that is dark, having a high ration of ink to white space, written or drawn with thick strong lines; To print, write or draw in a boldfaced font
  6. Any type that has a heavier black stroke that makes it more conspicuous.
  7. Words or phrases in heavier and darker print used for emphasis.
  8. A type weight "heavier" than standard. Boldness may exist in degrees such as "semi-bold" or "black." See also weight and font-weight.
  9. A typeface that has been enhanced by rendering it in darker, thicker strokes so that it will stand out on the page. Headlines that need emphasis should be boldface. Italics are preferable for emphasis in body text.
  10. A heavier version of a regular or roman typeface within the same typeface family.
  11. indicates a type used by ten or more countries.